
Pattern by Yoko Saito

Swing night at the Green Mill.

Philharmonia Fantastique at the CSO

Clark Sommers Trio at Dorian's

Sugar skulls for Dia de los Muertos with Chicago Calaveras

"There is a cake somewhere.  Helen doesn't see it in the dream, but knows it is just inside the screen door on a counter.  After all these years. Everything that has happened.  To think there is a place where your child's birthday cake still wants to be eaten."  
from Sipsworth by Simon Van Booy

"All great discoveries are products as much of doubt as of certainty, and the two in opposition clear the air for marvelous accidents." 
"They cried because of the magic and the contradictions; because time had passed and time was left; because they saw themselves as if they were in a photograph that had winked fast enough to contradict their mortality; because the city around them had conspired to break a hundred thousand hearts; and because they and everyone else had to float upon this sea of troubles, watertight.  Sometimes there were islands, and when they found them they held fast, but never could they hold fast enough not to be moved and once again overwhelmed."
from Winter's Tale by Mark Helprin

And, a marvelous combination.

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